Search results
Find and participate in FCA consultations – this section lists our currently open consultations.
Showing 51 to 60 of 1058 search results.
PS23/3: Creation of a baseline financial resilience regulatory return: Feedback to CP22/19 and final rules [pdf]
PS23/3: Creation of a baseline financial resilience regulatory return: Feedback to CP22/19 and final rules. -
PS23/3 – Creation of a baseline financial resilience regulatory return: Feedback to CP22/19 and final rules
We set out the final rules for a new financial resilience regulatory return for solo-regulated firms. -
PS23/14: Multi-occupancy building insurance: Feedback to CP23/8 and final rules
We set out rule changes to address harms identified in the multi-occupancy building insurance market. -
PS23/10: FCA regulated fees and levies 2023/24
We publish our final 2023/24 regulated fees and levies including feedback on CP22/7. -
FG23/2: Guidance for firms supporting their existing mortgage borrowers impacted by the rising cost of living [pdf]
This provides guidance for firms supporting their existing mortgage borrowers impacted by the rising cost of living. -
FG23/2: Guidance for firms supporting existing mortgage borrowers impacted by rising living costs
We set out the ways mortgage lenders can help customers worried about, or already struggling with, their mortgage payments because of rising living-costs. -
PS23/2: Changes to reporting requirements, procedures for data quality and registration of Trade Repositories under UK EMIR [pdf]
This Policy Statemtn sets out our response to feedback received and proposed new requirements for aspects of EMIR reporting. -
PS23/2: Changes to reporting requirements, procedures for data quality and registration of Trade Repositories under UK EMIR
We have launched a joint consultation with the Bank of England on changes to reporting requirements, procedures for data quality and registration of Trade Repositories under UK EMIR. -
FS23/1: Synthetic Data Call for Input Feedback Statement [pdf]
FS23/1 follows our call for input where we asked for feedback on the broader challenges in accessing high quality data for innovation in financial services. -
FS23/3: Government-regulator response to ‘Value for Money: A framework on metrics, standards and disclosures'
FCA, DWP and TPR's joint response to feedback received and next steps.