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Showing 71 to 80 of 173 search results.

  1. MS16/2.2: Mortgages Market Study: Interim Report: Annex 3 - Finding a mortgage – supplementary analysis and research [pdf]

    Market studies Published: 04/05/2018
  2. MS16/2.2: Mortgages Market Study: Interim Report: Annex 6 – Our approach and methodology for the switching analysis [pdf]

    Market studies Published: 04/05/2018
  3. MS16/2.2: Mortgages Market Study: Interim Report: Annex 1 – Views from stakeholders on the Terms of Reference [pdf]

    Market studies Published: 04/05/2018
  4. MS16/2.2: Mortgages Market Study: Interim Report: Annex 8 – Econometric analysis for assessing the impact of commercial relationships [pdf]

    Market studies Published: 04/05/2018
  5. MS16/2.2: Mortgages Market Study - Interim Report [pdf]

    Market studies Published: 04/05/2018
    In this report the FCA explains its findings and the way it would like to see the mortgage market develop.
  6. 5 Conduct Questions: Industry Feedback for 2017 [pdf]

    Market studies Published: 01/05/2018
    The 5 Conduct Questions are part of the FCA's strategy for supervising wholesale banks. This 2017 industry feedback is to help large and small firms consider if any of the approaches to conduct may be effective in their own organisations.
  7. 5 Conduct Questions: Industry Feedback for 2016 [pdf]

    Market studies Published: 01/05/2018
    The 5 Conduct Questions are part of the FCA's strategy for supervising wholesale banks. This 2016 industry feedback is to help large and small firms consider if any of the approaches to conduct may be effective in their own organisations.
  8. MS17/2.1: Wholesale Insurance Broker Market Study Terms of Reference [pdf]

    Market studies Published: 08/11/2017
    The terms of reference for our Wholesale insurance broker market study, will consider how competition is working in the sector. The FCA wants to ensure that the sector is working well, and fosters innovation and competition in the interests of its
  9. Final Decision: Market Investigation Reference (MIR) on investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services [pdf]

    Market studies Published: 14/09/2017
    This document sets out our final decision to make a Market Investigation Reference (MIR) in relation to investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services.
  10. Asset Management Market Study: Final decision to make a Market Investigation Reference (MIR) on investment consultancy services

    Market studies Published: 14/09/2017 Last modified: 14/09/2017
    As part of our Asset Management Market Study we have made a final decision to make a market investigation reference on investment consultancy and fiduciary management services and to reject the proposed Undertakings in Lieu (UIL).