Search results
Showing 31 to 40 of 541 search results for board effectiveness review.
Asset management market study
We have published the final findings of our asset management market study. As part of this, we set out a package of remedies to address the concerns identified. -
Four building blocks of efficient capital markets
Speech by David Lawton, Director of Markets, FSA at the Practising Law Institute Conference -
Culture in financial institutions: it’s everywhere and nowhere
Speech by Andrew Bailey, Chief Executive of the FCA, at the HKMA Annual Conference for Independent Non-Executive Directors. -
Business Plan 2022/23
The FCA Business Plan details the work we'll do over the next 12 months to help deliver the commitments in our Strategy. -
Insights from the 2021 Cyber Coordination Groups
An overview of insights arising from the discussions held at the FCA’s quarterly Cyber Coordination Group (CCG) meetings throughout 2021. -
Market abuse in a time of coronavirus
Julia Hoggett speaking on market abuse at the Ciy & Financial Global event. -
Building a regulatory environment for the future
Speech by our CEO, Nikhil Rathi, delivered at City Week 2021. -
Implementing Technology Change
This review sets out the findings from our cross-Financial Services change management review which looked at how financial firms manage technology change, the impact of change failures and the practices utilised within the industry to help reduce -
Connaught Fund Independent Reviewer announces update on delivery of his report
Raj Parker, the Independent Reviewer into the FSA/FCA approach to the Connaught Income Fund Series 1 (the Fund), has announced that he expects that his draft report will be delivered in early May 2020. -
2017 Disclosure Log
The aim of the FCA's Disclosure Log is to keep information that it has released under the Freedom of Information Act and which it thinks is of wider public interest. Find the Disclosure Log for 2017.