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Showing 11 to 20 of 146 search results.

  1. TR19/2: General insurance distribution chain [pdf]

    Thematic reviews Published: 10/04/2019
  2. TR19/2: General insurance distribution chain

    Thematic reviews Published: 10/04/2019 Last modified: 11/09/2023
    The FCA sets out the key findings from our thematic work on the general insurance distribution chain, its expectations of firms and next steps.
  3. TR19/1: Debt management sector thematic review [pdf]

    Thematic reviews Published: 15/03/2019
    This report shares the findings of our thematic review of the debt management sector, which aimed to test whether firms within the debt management sector are meeting our standards, treating their new and existing customers fairly, and delivering
  4. TR19/1: Debt management sector thematic review

    Thematic reviews Published: 15/03/2019 Last modified: 15/03/2019
    This report shares the key findings of our thematic review of the debt management sector.We committed in our 2017/18 Business Plan to assess how the market is operating and whether firms are meeting customer needs and our standards.
  5. TR18/5: Management of long-term mortgage arrears and forbearance

    Thematic reviews Published: 06/12/2018 Last modified: 29/11/2021
    FCA findings on how mortgage lenders manage customers with long-term mortgage arrears and provide forbearance to affected customers.
  6. TR18/4: Pricing practices in the retail general insurance sector: Household insurance [pdf]

    Thematic reviews Published: 31/10/2018
  7. TR18/4: Pricing practices in the retail general insurance sector: Household insurance

    Thematic reviews Published: 31/10/2018 Last modified: 01/11/2018
    This report sets out the key findings of our thematic work on the pricing practices of household insurance firms. It then details our expectations of firms and our next steps.
  8. TR18/3: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risks in the E-Money Sector [pdf]

    Thematic reviews Published: 03/10/2018
  9. TR18/3: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risks in the E-Money Sector

    Thematic reviews Published: 03/10/2018 Last modified: 03/10/2018
    This report shares the findings of our thematic review into money laundering and terrorist financing risks in the e-money sector.
  10. TR18/2: Impact of credit broking remuneration models at the point of sale [pdf]

    Thematic reviews Published: 27/09/2018