UK Data Reporting Service Providers (DRSPs) must be authorised or verified by us. We explain the authorisation process.
Any entity intending to provide Data Reporting Services (DRS) in the UK as a regular occupation or business must be authorised (or, in the case of operators of trading venues, the operator’s compliance with the Data Reporting Services Regulations 2017 to be verified) by us before providing a DRS.
How to apply
Send us your:
- completed application form (Annex I)
- notification form for list of members of a management body (Annex II)
- appropriate fee
- supporting documentation
We will respond within 6 months of receiving the completed application.
Applicants will need to submit both of the completed forms, along with any supporting documentation to [email protected].
Alternatively, post to:
Authorisations Support Team, Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN
We have also prepared authorisation application notes provide clarification on completing both the application form for a DRSP and the notification form for the list of members of a management body.